Our classic and ever stylish spiral stair adds an accent to any room. Whether you need the functionality that only a spiral can deliver, or you need the form that only a spiral can provide, we have the right stair for you.
Sturdy, yet graceful, the spiral stair will be a focal point of any area. We see spirals used in both interior and exterior applications, for both residential and industrial/commercial uses.
Our standard spiral design features square vertical balusters between the tread and handrail. We can customize these balusters, offering dozens of choices, styles, and profiles.
Standard tread design is smooth steel (12 gauge) but we offer checker plate, bar grate, wood covers, and more. The basic handrail is 1.5 inch O.D. steel tube, but again, we offer a multitude of choices, including one piece wood handrails, brass top caps and molded steel handrails. Matching balcony or well railing to match the stairs is available also.
If building codes apply in your situation, or if you have young ones and pets in the house, we build stars which comply with (and exceed in many cases) the standards of BOCA, CABO, IBC, IRC, and other national codes. Additionally, we offer enhancements to these codes which may be required from your local building departments, including: latching gates, ADA complaint rails, and semi-closed risers.
This online calculator allows you to input a few basic measurements and outputs almost everything you need to know about a spiral stair. Additionally we provide a custom platform rotation picture to assist in your preliminary spiral evaluation.
This chart will assist you in discovering the many options that we have for your custom spiral stair.
For that exquisite look there is nothing like the solid beauty of a TIGER Drylac. Help to protect your stairs beauty while enhancing the look of your stair with one of these vivid colors.
Peerless Stairs & Rails